# ✨ useStringCase

useStringCase is a function that alters string predetermined cases of strings

# 🏪 State

The useStringCase function is used as the following reactive state:

import { useStringCase } from 'vue-composable-utils';
const { string, camelCase } = useStringCase('');

# 🚀 Features

The initial value is sent to the function useStringCase().

useStringCase has 4 reactive properties

1 - this section will be update --> The value that is going to be binded.

2 - this section will be update --> The value that is going to be changed.

3 - this section will be update --> The value that is going to be changed.

4 - this section will be update --> The value that is going to be changed.

# 💻 Example

You can see how it changes reactively using the example below.

CamelCase: veniamFugiatPariaturAdipisicingDoConsequat.

CapitalizeCase: Imelda white

SentenceCase: Neurocell

KebabCase: 3-814-49

PascalCase: Bulwer Place, Lemoyne, District Of Columbia, 5597

LowerCase: imeldawhite@nr.com

UpperCase: FEMALE

    <p><b>CamelCase: </b>{{ camelCase(state.about) }}</p>
    <p><b>CapitalizeCase: </b>{{ capitalizeCase(state.name) }}</p>
    <p><b>SentenceCase: </b>{{ sentenceCase(state.company) }}</p>
    <p><b>KebabCase: </b>{{ kebabCase(state.balance) }}</p>
    <p><b>PascalCase: </b>{{ pascalCase(state.address) }}</p>
    <p><b>LowerCase: </b>{{ lowerCase(state.email) }}</p>
    <p><b>UpperCase: </b>{{ upperCase(state.gender) }}</p>

import { reactive } from '@vue/composition-api';
import { useStringCase } from 'vue-composable-utils';

export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: 'imelda white',
      gender: 'female',
      company: 'NEUROCELL',
      email: 'Imeldawhite@nr.com',
      balance: '3,814.49',
      about: 'Veniam fugiat pariatur adipisicing do consequat.',
      address: 'bulwer place, lemoyne, district of columbia, 5597',

    const { camelCase, kebabCase, pascalCase, upperCase, lowerCase, sentenceCase, capitalizeCase } = useStringCase();

    return {